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F1B Mini Goldendoodle

15 pounds

Dixie is sweet and very social. She has never met a stranger and she loves to have her belly rubbed.





F1B Mini Goldendoodle

17 pounds

Henry is a deep red mini goldendoodle who is the orignial netflix and chill teddy puppy. He loves belly rubs, cudding, and outrunning his friends. He is agile and loves to fetch.


Dixie had 3 females and 1 male born on July 12. We will schedule puppy picks (going in order of reservations placed) beginning on August 23. We will update the puppy profiles below to show updated photos and temperament test results. This litter will go home at 8-9 weeks of age, which is September 6-13. Feel free to check out our blog (linked here) to start preparing! You can see current puppy photos/videos on Instagram here.

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