F1B Medium Goldendoodle
29 pounds
Ellie is everyone's best friend. When she's not playing, she's usually cuddled up on a sherpa blanket or hiding in someone's bed. She's sweet with kids, loves to swim and going on adventures.
F1B mini goldendoodle
19.5 pounds
Chief is a sweet boy, great with kids and adults. He loves belly rubs, going for walks, and playing with dog friends. Chief has never met a stranger.
Ellie has 3 mini goldendoodles available (2 females and 1 male) who were born on May 9th. We estimate the puppies to weigh 20-30 pounds at maturity. We will do puppy picks when they are 6 weeks old in the order deposits were placed on the litter, beginning June 20. They will transition to their forever families July 4-11. To see current pup-dates, check out our social media pages, here!